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New Q. Q has told us all along the impeachment hearing is a trap for Deep State Dems
Nov 13th, 2019, 11:54am- Q asks if spy [EC] (Eric Ciaramalla, whistleblower) insertion is known
Patriot News
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Maria Yovovich was conducting surveillance on journalists Sara Carter and John Solomon
Dannielle Blumenthal PhD
"What kind of tools & assets could a @StateDept official have allegedly used 2 surveil U.S. journalists in #Ukraine? It must have been a matter of #nationalsecurity to order surveillance of US citizen, hopefully duly approved by a US court."Q quoted this.
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Terrified kids and 9 million hostages, and we are stuck with a failing and embarrassing coup.
Dannielle Blumenthal PhD
WOW! Pompous Blowhard and Fired Ambassador Yovanovitch Compares Herself to US Hostages in Tehran and The Benghazi Four!
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New Q. Q has told us all along the impeachment hearing is a trap for Deep State Dems
New Q. Q has told us all along the impeachment hearing is a trap for Deep State Dems. They fell for it and they’re “pencil neck” deep in their own crap. This is going to be fun to watch! #qanon
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This is a breakdown of #QAnon Post 3590 from 11-13-19 Thread
🤨Citizens Investigative Report😎
#Qanon links to @ChuckGrassley letter from July 27/2017 bit.ly/2qj4IzZ #QAnon Post 3590 3/ It describes the DNC/Chalupa [EC] collusion with Ukrainians to interfere w/2016 Election & details FARA violations by Chalupa vs. Podesta Group THIS WAS BEFORE #Qanon even started posting, on Oct 28, 2017 #QAnon Post 3590
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Here's what people need to remember: Obama spent 8 years trying to get that Iran Deal done
Brian Cates
This is also why Obama dared not take any action at all to enforce that 'red line' in Syria, or speak up to loudly when Putin annexed Crimea & then invaded Ukraine. And now we know of ANOTHER COMPELLING REASON Obama had to stay on Putin's good side.
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Q DROP THREAD 11.13.19 #WWG1WGA Farms produce
Steven Lundgren
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.... Q Drop 3594 #GodspeedPatriots Prepare. For God & Country. For Humanity. We FIGHT! Q
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and this is simply a big ‘conspiracy’ theory
QAnon ⭐️⭐️⭐️
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a non-corrupt President who works on behalf of the American people and not himself. America is no longer for sale.
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Follow the family
We the People, together with our @POTUS are taking our country back! Join us, in this, the second American Revolution! WWG1WGA!
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Ask yourself a very basic question – why is the ‘forum’ where [drops] are made under constant attack?
Nov 13 2019 11:00:18 (EST) You are witnessing the largest ‘organized’ disinformation campaign to ever be perpetuated on the public. Trust yourself. Be free in your thoughts. THE GREAT AWAKENING RETURN POWER TO THE PEOPLE. Q
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Ask yourself a very basic question – would the FAKE NEWS complex [NYT, WaPo, NBC, ABC, BBC, ………………………………….] attack us if we weren’t a ‘real’ threat?
Lola Netty
[Jul 8 2019] "Surveillance of Sara Carter /John Solomon terminated." - Q Relevant to upcoming 'DECLAS' events? SIGINT FVEY/Domestic. Do you believe in coincidences? Mathematically impossible? 1/100?
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A thread on #ProjectLookingGlass
Jim Rieper
A thread on #ProjectLookingGlass with some of my thoughts on the subject but first, a must watch video from #BobWood regarding #LookingGlass from Jan 2012. If you’re a #QAnon follower you will recognize certain phrases and themes immediately.
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!!Tiny+ DECODE (11/14/19 7:19 AM EST) This Decode is based on a POTUS Tweet T-10200
Gary Holland 🇺🇸 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🇺🇸
The TimeStamp 6:54 Clue Leads us to Q-Drop 654 Here we find ... Title: Freedom Flag Marker >>229599 Im Guessing that the Freedom Statue & Freedom Day have to do with the Q stringers for FREEDOM…. >>229662 News unlocks MAP. Q
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This is my #Qanon thread for November 14, 2019
Praying Medic
This is my #Qanon thread for November 14, 2019
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Research on Q post 3585
GAP - Great Awakening Patriots
First, Q blends two apparently disparate subjects together, routing to 8kun via DoD server, and Project Looking Glass. You have to dig through that post to dig for the nuggets of truth.
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Today's Q Clock Map 11/15/19 Delta :48 - Justice [PAIN]
Q-tip: If you want to research a certain term, say "7/10", go to Qanon.pub and find the "filter" on the top left. Just type your word(s) in there and Qanon.pub will bring up all posts that contain that word(s).
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Who is Obama?
Well Hells Bells 🌻
This is a thread you won't want to miss. A #WellHellzBellz exclusive. Mossad propaganda (Corsi) want you to focus on the father. Everyone has overlooked his mother, Ann Dunham. Ann Dunham IS NOT Obama's birth mother.
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Qanon 3590 said to review Q posts re insert of spy assets into @potus admin
7/28/18 Q post. The gravity of Hussein’s attempt to insert spies is mind boggling During 2016 campaign, FISA abused to spy on Repub candidate Trump and Cruz After @potus elected, Brennan spies
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#BigDickAnon update: The Rally Edition
Paul Furber
I asked him whether POTUS had a message for us tonight and he said yes. The rally "is not a circle jerk, it is a lot more. Just watch and see me smiling in the corner. What better platform to blow the doors off the main stream media."
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ICIG M Atkinson reported directly/was supervised by DNI Dan Coats
Berryz Qorner ⭐️⭐️⭐️
So we have DNI Coats whose Chief counsel Klitenic works w ICIG Atkinson who works w a 3 member panel made up of 3 out of 7 other IG's who work w the CIA/other Intel comm's at the very top reporting 2 Intelligence Oversight Board reports 2 Presidents Advisory Board-Spy inserts?
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@TrueEyeTheSpy I believe he was likely hacked - His last posts today I don't believe at all
His last posts before deletion was someone saying he wasn't hacked and that he was arrested for being a pedophile. However it was phrased in a perfect way to make some of his followers believe it. I.e. by pretending to defend him while giving a conspiratorial reason. #Qanon
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#Qanon Interesting to note Q was missing the opening bracket at the end of the post today: release of incriminating docs]
Audreys Observations
Trump was late in leaving the WH today for the Louisiana Trump Rally due to an unscheduled meeting with AG Barr! Were they discussing the release?
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#QAnon tells us we are in a spiritual war, and we are. We should put on the Full Armor of God
#QAnon tells us we are in a spiritual war, and we are. We should put on the Full Armor of God. But, we should also have Faith. We are not fighting a battle we have a chance of losing. We are waging a War we have already won! Satan has already lost! He knows this!
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It seems that good ole Marie was telling the Ukranian govt who they could and could not investigate
Sheila G 🇺🇸🇺🇸America First
Was she obstructing justice? WAPO claims this was the catalyst for the impeachment. Maybe but I think not. It is clear to me that the DNC is in panic mode. Some where from high above they have been told that our President must go because they are very very very near to being
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The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate
Brennan’s role in propagating the collusion narrative went far beyond his work on the ICA. A close review of facts that have slowly come to light reveals that he was a central architect and promoter of the conspiracy theory from its inception. The record shows that:
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Nov 13th, 2019, 11:54am- Q asks if spy [EC] (Eric Ciaramalla, whistleblower) insertion is known
Sept 10th, 2018- Q suggests a spy inserted under direction of Brennan, inserted into WH Nov 13th, 2019, 11:54am- Q asks if spy [EC] (Eric Ciaramalla, whistleblower) insertion is known 12hrs later it's reported Brennan inserted [EC] to spy on the WH DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?
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The disgraceful MSM in the US hid The Epstein story
The "Dirty" Truth
They knew little girls was still going to be raped by this monster and didn’t care. Finally 60 minutes in Australia put out a show on it. @ABC probably sent it to them so they can say they aired it. All of it in this thread.
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[Deepstate] Kills 17 to send message to Trump?
Boat Captain abandoned ship Maybe the weather was to cover for what they were going to do? No life vests Captain doesn't even try to help one child off
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Democrats are participating in the scam impeachment so they can save face with their far left base
Brenden Dilley
The reality is, that the entire thing is a fugazi. It's one giant political circle jerk. There is no real risk of removal. Nobody is going to prosecute President Trump. The American people deserve better than this. You deserve better than this.
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One Day You May Have To Pick Up A Sword
Come on folks! The handwriting is on the wall. The tealeaves have all been read. There is no way to peacefully and amicably heal the irreconcilable differences between the left and the right and the liberal and the conservative.
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Republicans Must Grow A Backbone and Counter the Radical Socialist Democrats
The “destroy Trump coup” developed in the first 24 hours after the 2016 election following weeks of sometimes violent protests. The anti-Trump movement realized that simply shouting and causing public nuisance and property damage wasn’t getting them what they wanted
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Today's Q Clock Map 11/13/19 Delta :46 - Define "Projection"
Q-tip: If you want to research a certain term, say "7/10", go to Qanon.pub and find the "filter" on the top left. Just type your word(s) in there and Qanon.pub will bring up all posts that contain that word(s).
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Noticed something INTERESTING about the DOJ official SEAL in the background
What does SESSIONS have to do with Voter Fraud? IMO Sessions set up STINGS to capture Voter Fraud . this fear-mongering article is from the LEFT, and their 'concern' over Sessions' voter suppression, rather than voter fraud detection.
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Am I missing anything?
Beer at the Parade
• Jim Jordan moved into Intel Committee to have a friendly joust Liddle Adam? • POTUS augments prosecutor Rudy with fellow prosecutor Trey join his "defense team". • If memory serves me, Jim Jordan never lost ONE single wrestling match...
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Boomerang incoming
Don’t forget, folks: Trump plans on having the Dems officially attempt to impeach him. It’s literally signing off on (their) own death certificates when it turns out to all be based on (their) manufactured fraud!
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Snopes did this all on the same day Q alluded to “indictments coming.”
Anyone else find it ironic that yesterday Snopes “debunked” an article from JUNE about indictments coming?
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I found the Ukraine Smoking gun... its all over for Trump
Carpe Donktum
Latest Video from Carpe Donktum
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Latest Q Drops with attachments
Latest Q Drops with attachments
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What is happening with electricity in #California could turn into water shortages
🇺🇸 Elisa-The Nationalist
WEEKS later, are STILL without power. So far, only the Golden State appears to be exacting this draconian penalty. How long before OTHER blue states copy their behavior? Will it happen in red states with blue cities? I can see it....
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The plot to cover for Epstein comprised both federal officials inside the US Government and the mainstream media
Brian Cates
If we had a real news media, publicity from investigative news journalism brought to bear on the law enforcement officials in Florida back in 2008 would have prevented the burying of Epstein's international sex trafficking ring & all those involved in it.
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Nunes Opening Statement for Kent and Taylor Hearing on Impeachment
Stu Cvrk
•and forget about countless other deceptions, large and small, that make them the last people on earth with the credibility to hurl more preposterous accusations at their political opponents.
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What is Worth Fighting For?
Robert Patrick Lewis
And for the first time since- the revolution which formed our nation, many of those rights, and our very Constitutional Republic, are under attack from tyrants who don’t believe that any of those rights should be provided to people with a different world view than theirs.
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Scientists Demonstrate Remarkable Evidence of Dream Telepathy Between People
Carminda B
Human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while dreaming. Freud, considered telepathy and the implications of it with regards to psychoanalytic thought
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[Two Year] Delta!! Q Drops from 11.12.2017!! Excerpts included. Please read the full drop for context!!
How did Soros replace family ‘y’...Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families... Was Hitler a puppet...What was the real purpose of the war... Who is A. Merkel... Who died on the Titanic... What is the FED... The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
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MSNBC acknowledging that QAnon is moving closer to the mainstream is direct confirmation
There will come a time when the conspiracy theories become widely known facts and we go from crazy fringe to the ones who knew all along!!
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[Two Year] Delta!! Q Drops from 11.11.2017!! #FutureProvesPast #ReReadDrops #NewsUnlocksTheMap #YouHaveMoreThanYouKnow
Hard to swallow. Important to progress. Who are the puppet masters? House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+ Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+ Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+ Focus on above (3).
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So..there is so much symbolism around #ZacBrownBand
Amanda Lynn⭐️⭐️⭐️
From the pagan jewelry to his occult symbolic merchandise to his 🍷 🦉
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Jordan Sather
I’ll do deep thread on PLG when I have time. What we can gather about it is that it’s a reverse engineered technology whereby you could predict probable futures w/ consciousness, almost like remote viewing within time. I have raised the probability of Q using this tech before
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This is my #Qanon thread for November 11, 2019
Praying Medic
This is my #Qanon thread for November 11, 2019
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A new inspector general complaint has been filed against the whistleblower for allegedly soliciting illegal donations
The "Dirty" Truth
.@mattgaetz it’s obvious to the American people the Democrats can’t win a fair fight. .@LindseyGrahamSC thinks it would be a danger to the presidency and our future if we legitimize what’s going on in the house. .@LindseyGrahamSC says there’s a legitimate investigation to be had. The foreign relations committee has jurisdiction over foreign aid.
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New Q!!!
Paul Serran
+++ INCOMING DROPS +++ 3581. Duham was initiated same day as the Q drops. He prosecuted the Gambino family. He targeted Clowns. The hit on the Gambino family that was tied to QAnon was a message
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EARLY in the #QDrops, we were told there were 4 ruling families controlling the world?
I came across this interesting article. Osama Bin Laden's (OBL) mother and certain family members agreed to an interview some 17 years after 9/11. Apparently it was the Saudi Royal Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) that agreed to allow the interview.
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Nikki Haley Blackhat?
Well Hells Bells 🌻
She will never be VP. Rumored Trump stuck her at the UN to get her out of the way. If I were playing 4D Chess ...Haley's accusations likely keeping Kelly safe from enemy fire while he assists in Deep State takedown.
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USMC were posting on a schedule at 0800 (8am) and 2000 (8pm) for quite some time
Let's work the drop. T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^ Then, there's this: _Conf_d-ww_CON_off[dark]_ This is a command, and it looks like it says to turn OFF the dark. 3. Then: _Conf_SIL-_EX Perhaps a silent extraction or maybe extradition?
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New drops from today (11.11.18)
Lisa Mei Crowley
Drop links to @JustInformU tweet from 2 Nov when POTUS mentioned a "forum" at his rally in Mississippi on 1 Nov. I tweeted about it that night. Figured POTUS was talking about the impending launch of 8kun on 2 Nov. This appears to be confirmation.
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As Ukraine reels from a series of setbacks in its relationships with the U.S., and the European Union, China stands to gain
China has been steadily increasing its economic clout in Ukraine through a broad gamut of infrastructure investments and other initiatives. This year, China overtook Russia as Ukraine’s top trading partner, underscoring a landmark shift in economic ties between Kyiv and Moscow.
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RIG FOR RED How many people think they got it right? I think ZERO, completely anyway
RED, WHITE & BLUE ANGEL🇺🇸Orange Anon⭐️⭐️⭐️
November 11th marks the 100th Anniversary of Veterans Day (formerly Known as Armistice Day) with the new 8kun online did Q know he would have a small window of time before-
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I never really went very far into the Maggie/Wendy Nixon Q drops, but today I stumbled across this little intriguing nugget
Lola Netty
[10/11/19] Buttigieg will attend an evening reception hosted by Sarah Guinan Nixon & Bob Nixon (parents of Maggie Nixon)...
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Today's Q Clock Map 11/12/19 Delta :45 - Who Do You Trust?
Q-tip: If you want to research a certain term, say "7/10", go to Qanon.pub and find the "filter" on the top left. Just type your word(s) in there and Qanon.pub will bring up all posts that contain that word(s).
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We've seen numerous posts on "RIG FOR RED"
We've seen numerous posts on "RIG FOR RED"
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The complete insanity of Warren's Wealth Tax plan
Stephen L. Hall
Confiscation/Nationalization of every major company in America would be American Fascism with the gov't controlling all of the means of production through the existing corporate structures, just like the National Socialists did in 1930's Germany.